
Women Matters (Women-2-Women Support)
To ensure that gender equality underpins all of the work we do, AWI UK has created Women Matter’s programme which specifically target women’s economic empowerment and gender rights. We support women to gain knowledge, skills and tools to generate an income, enabling them to lift their families out of poverty. AWI UK believe By providing vulnerable women with the knowledge, resources, and agency to have greater influence in the household and community decisions that affect their lives and their family, they can drive both poverty reduction and gender equality

Drop-in for advice & support
It is a friendly and confidential program, we provide information and advice regarding
Education, employment, domestic violence or abuse, relationships, sexual health, sexuality, alcohol and drugs, health and well-being issues, finances, and energy advice. You can visit alone or with a friend

Befriending Elderly
Our friendship programme aim to give back to those who've given so much to society We also encourage older and younger generations to spend time together as we know that intergenerational friendships are good for everyon

AWI UK aims to enable and empower the community to tackle problems that may contribute to isolation and social exclusion. The organisation works with BAME communities, especially women and children in order to give advice, information and support on a range of issues including education, health, domestic violence, immigration, housing, employment, business skills, etc. around the philosophy of promoting equality of opportunity and assistance in overcoming social disadvantage.

Key Objectives
Through the provision of a safe women-only environment to offer women who are isolated by disadvantage a starting point from which to achieve personal development and improved economic stability.
Through individual assessment and a personal plan, to encourage women to use resources available to them at AWI UK and in the community to secure measurable improvements in their functioning, self-confidence and self-esteem.
To influence the provision of women-sensitive services by local organisations and statutory services.
To work co-operatively with relevant organisations dealing with disadvantaged women and their needs, in order to share expertise and jointly improve effective use and delivery of women-sensitive services.
To provide other services relevant to the AWI UK mission.
To develop a sustainable organisation from a financial, resource, expertise, cutting edge, role model and planning perspective.
To measure, demonstrate and publicise the effectiveness of the AWI UK activities